Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Sun Comes Through

My good bud and fellow Northwest native Lily Raskind—proprietor of Sunshine & Shadow—got a great little write-up on recently. I know it was a tough decision for her to take a step back and only do hats and scarves for Fall 2008, but it was definitely the right one.

In my experience, both with myself and with people I'm close to, there are times when you have a lot of momentum built up but your gut tells you to take a step back—and it almost always works out for the best if you do. I can't wait to see what Lily does next.

Check out the article at
Visit to see Lily's spring/summer line, in stores now.

Sunshine & Shadow Fall/Winter 2008 posters, pictured above: Photography by Exu, Graphics by me

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