. My new camera takes these panoramic shots – you push the button, pan right, and it takes ten photos and pieces them together automatically.
Here we see young Fang casually staring at his mama as she sits at the computer in her bathrobe and flip-flops. If enlarged we also see an extremely dope 1967 record by The United States of America which, ironically, I acquired in Halifax, Nova Scotia. No matter; lil' Fang only cares about his mama.
Me and my brother sitting on a gigantic log that washed up on the shore of, Sequim Bay, ca.1982? Somewhat unrelated but I am thinking about my brother across the country.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear reader. I myself am thankful for a million things, but in regards to this blog I am thankful for everyone who continues to surprise me by coming back to check out the things I post. Obviously I don't make any money from it, but that's not the point – I keep doing it because it makes me look out for interesting things to bring into my life. So... I'm thankful for all the interesting things in my life, and I am thankful for you.
. Portfolio, a new Steidl-produced printing of Robert Frank's photography portfolio at the time he moved from Switzerland to the US, in 1947, at the age of 23. Visit steidlville to view images.
Rainydawg Radio, an underground radio station from the University of Washington. Production value very low but I was listening in my office all last night and I don't think they played a single bad song. Old and new stuff, a big variety. You can listen online – click here.
Kimberly Ovitz PF2010. Very minimal and modern, kind of one idea done a bunch of different ways. I think Emily would like this stuff, but she's under 7 million schoolbooks right now, so I'm posting it for her. Hi Em.
Wine box floor boards. The chicness...the chicness.
My favorite Land Rover, featured in a New York Timesarticle about Land Rovers a few years back. I know, I know... I've just been thinking about these a lot lately.
Irving Penn's first Vogue cover, October 1943. Beautiful colors, composition, and typography.
I can't remember where this came from but I love it
.Robert Yoder: Beryl , 2009 (vinyl and collage on paper, 14" x 11") at Howard House, Seattle.
Sometimes I have a reaction to color that is the same reaction other people have to Sam Cooke singing. Something about these two colors together in particular just kills me. I had the same reaction to this. But yes, I like the composition, I like the white space... I like things that are collaged... I don't know anything about Robert Yoder but his other work looks great too. But this one especially.
. Some quick neighborhood snaps with the new camera Emily gave me for my birthday.
The quality is not quite as high as with our bigger camera (a Canon 20D) but the new one is tiny, so I can bring it with me everywhere I go – plus, it shoots HD video and has a million cool features, including the ability to shoot well without a flash in extremely low light. I love it.
. I'm too swamped to post much right now, but in case anyone missed it, I wanted to mention that today on Fresh Air Terry Gross had a very enjoyable interview with Wes Anderson about his new film The Fantastic Mr. Fox.
In 1980, an 8-year-old boy found three packages containing $5,880 in decaying $20 bills on the shore of the Columbia River – part of the $200,000 ransom D.B. Cooper was carrying when he parachuted from a plane he had hijacked en route from Portland to Seattle. Fifteen of the bills were auctioned off earlier this year by Heritage Auction Galleries.
Pacific Standard issue no.1 covers: top, Abby Brothers by Michael Donovan; bottom, Alexis Schuster by Charlie Schuck. Select image above for more information.