.Emily and I celebrated our Christmas a month late. We wanted to wait till we were in our new space and somewhat unpacked. (There are still 100+ boxes of books and records in the middle of the living room, but that's another story, shelves are coming soon.) Economic depression be damned, we decided to treat each other a little. Why the hell not. Anyway, here's some stuff we got, and I'll post a couple other things soon.

I got Emily this wool blazer she wanted from Topshop. Keeping it chic as usual.

She got me this set of maps showing all the ghost towns in Washington state. I didn't even know this existed (not to mention how many ghost towns there still are here). Can't wait to try it out, especially now that the weather is starting to get nice.
My brother's Nightmare-Before-Christmas Tree in Brooklyn. When we had our stoop sale back in September, someone down the street was throwing this weird old tree out and he grabbed it. Now it's covered with origami cranes in his apartment – it looks cool.