Friday, August 29, 2008

The Farm Yard Connection

Back to our regular programming.
Via Swissmiss, this photo by Kevin German.
From the website where you can buy it:

A 5-year-old girl shields her face for a moment from a gust of wind with her favorite chicken, Steve, after running to catch him for 10 minutes on her father's farm in Deary, Idaho. "One time I squished a chicken so hard that an egg fell out," she said.

It's a beautiful photo, but it also caught my eye because Deary is Emily's hometown, and she has some funny chicken/egg stories. I'll tell you some other time, or maybe she will – I got stuff to do. This weekend is our last free one in New York (well, there's next weekend, but we'll be getting things together for our big going-away blowout on the 6th). The following weekend, the big move begins.

Like I said before, blogging will be fairly light, but do look in for photos of this coming weekend and whatever else I come up with. And in the month or so that I'm criss-crossing the country (twice between September 14th and the end of October) look for a ton of photos from life on the road.

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