.Following are the things that most interested me early this morning at the kitchen table, all hungover and cold, peering over a lukewarm cup of coffee at
The New York Times.
This piece about photographer
Robert Frank on the fiftieth anniversary his highly influential book
The Americans. A coherent
review of Annie Liebovitz's
At Work. The
Magazine's annual
year in ideas issue.

Trainsetters program, a deal on rail travel between Seattle and Portland, combined with reduced rates at the
Ace Hotel (in the old Hotel Clyde building, where Matt Dillon and William S. Burroughs live at the end of
Drugstore Cowboy).
Bill Cunningham. A piece in the business section
advocating a goal of full employment: "If the new president had a target of full employment and if Americans believed that he could reach it, the confidence problem could quickly be solved." A preview of today's Seahawks/Rams game: "Someone may care about this game in April, when the loser has a better draft pick. In an act of mercy, the game will be blacked out locally." And, finally, an
article on what may turn out to be an Iraq version of the Pentagon Papers, with revelations such as:
The history records how Mr. Garner presented Mr. Rumsfeld with several rebuilding plans, including one that would include projects across Iraq. “What do you think that’ll cost?” Mr. Rumsfeld asked of the more expansive plan.
“I think it’s going to cost billions of dollars,” Mr. Garner said.
“My friend,” Mr. Rumsfeld replied, “if you think we’re going to spend a billion dollars of our money over there, you are sadly mistaken."
When I was done reading the paper I had an english muffin, two eggs, and some ibuprofen, and met the day.
1 comment:
There's no such thing as full employment, right? Or is it the stage when unemployment is at the smallest statistical level possible or something...?
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