Thursday, February 25, 2010

I've Actually Did One Novel


Emily Bobrow at The Second Pass:
In his third novel, John Wray tells the story of William, a 16-year-old paranoid schizophrenic off his meds and on the loose in New York City. Lowboy is the nickname of our addled hero (“Because I get moody . . . Also because I like trains”).... The novel features some satisfying suspense, and Wray occasionally crafts sentences so lovely that they demand to be reread.... But on balance this novel is an underwhelming showcase of Wray’s talents. Readers drawn by the seductive cover and sensational subject will hopefully consider his backlist; the rest of us will wait patiently for his next one."

Charles Bock at The New York Times:
"Wray’s third novel, Lowboy, is uncompromising, often gripping and generally excellent."

More info:

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